

Recommended Installation

Shaw 5100 - pressure Sensitive Adhesive [PDF]
15.14 Liter Pail - (Spread rate 32-36.58 meters) per liter.

Alternative Installation Solution

LokDots is the alternative installation method when dealing with moisture, new construction or areas in which equipment cannot be moved. Contact Kyle Golombos for more details.

LokDots uses a system of adhesive dots and a lightweight handheld applicator to install EcoWorx carpet tile even in some of the most challenging conditions. The pressure sensitive system requires little to no training, uses as much as 97% less adhesive material (compared to wet adhesive) and allows for virtually immediate occupancy. The odorless, non-toxic adhesive makes it easy to use in occupied spaces. LokDots are also ideal for high moisture environments with up to 12PH, 4.54 Kilograms and 95% relative humidity.

LokDots Overview


LokDots Applicator

LokDots vs. Adhesive